How to Know the Coordinates to a GPS Receiver

GPS navigation is very helpful in the process. We can find the coordinates of an object by using GPS. GPS replaces compass function in determining the direction of where we are heading. We do not have great difficulty when we travel. By using GPS, we can determine our position and the position of our goals.

Position data is displayed in the format of latitude and longitude. Position latitude and longitude will change when the vehicle's position also changes.

Latitude and longitude information can be displayed with various shapes, including

Decimal Degrees (WGS84)
Latitude Longitude
37.391933 -122.04375

Degrees, Minutes & Seconds
Latitude Longitude
N37 23 30 W122 02 37

Latitude Longitude
N 37 W 122 23 516 02 625

10N 584 646 4,138,781

The above data is
GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info.
In general, the latitude and longitude information displayed by GPS format. These data are NMEA data obtained from satellites. To convert the format of GPS in another form, you can visit boulter and itouchmap


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